Sunday, April 30, 2006

FOREX Investing Compared to Other Investment Opportunities

With over $1.5 trillion changing hands daily, it might be advantageous for you to investigate the extremely lucrative business opportunity involving currency trading.

Once the domain of major banks and corporations, this field is now an open playground for the ordinary individual.

The following information gives you a comparison of different investment opportunities in comparison to Forex trading Forex could be the perfect opportunity for you if you are willing to have an open mind and investigate.

Equities are dependant on variable factors regarding when to buy and when to sell. With Forex, the opportunity to buy or sell is always present.

Futures require a person to pay exchange fees as well as commission charges. Forex requires no commission charges or fees. Futures also is limited to specific trading hours, whereas Forex is not limited and is available 24/7. Also, with Futures, once a person buys they are basically locked in for a specific amount of time. Forex offers flexibility to change position within seconds at the onset of any variable which could effect the particular economic security. When a late breaking news or factor is announced, bam--a trade is made within seconds.

Real Estate can be devastating to the novice and often requires larger amounts of investments. It is also volatile with the factors which can affect the buying and selling. Ask any real estate investor; they all can tell you the horror stories. The emotional strain of a lingering negative tenant is enough to make any investor throw up their hands and run for the hills. An investor may often have money tied up in an investment for several years depending on the situation involved. Although real estate has been up in value for the past few years, many now believe the market has bottomed out and value is growing at a snail’s pace. Many investors often have to wait on approval from banks in regards to financing or releasing money for financing; therefore, an investor may have his money wrapped up long-term. Forex is extremely flexible.

CD’s and Savings Accounts offer security but with little return on the investment dollar. With Forex, a sharp trader can often multiply his investment many times over.

Annuities are mostly safe for the long-term, but if an investor needs to pull his money out for the short term, he may have to pay surrender charges which can range as high as 6-8% if withdrawn within the first 6 to 8 years. In his article entitled, “Are Annuities a Worthwhile Investment, Don Taylor, Ph.D., CFA ( states that “most investors would be better off considering annuities as a last resort rather than a first choice when it comes to creating an investment portfolio.

There is a learning curve with Forex; however, the investment in time may pay multiple benefits in terms of investment. There are many avenues to achieve wealth, but few as flexible and lucrative as Forex. With a 24/7 timetable, a person can be in business starting with just a few hundred dollars, the right training and a computer. This flexibility allows a person to work from the comfort of their own home and be in control.


Blogger Tp said...

Why not tap into this opportunity and change your lifen forever?

6:27 AM  
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1:04 PM  
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6:12 AM  
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3:26 PM  
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12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She owed him one, but she never worried about her debts.. Confronted by the act itself, Abner was suddenly aware that he knew not how to begin.. Their strangeness quite disappears when we resolve not to place them on a level with the objects of perception as known to us when awake, but to remember that they represent the art of dream condensation by an exclusion of unnecessary detail.. Fluker the suggestion to quit a business so far beneath his powers, sell out, or rent out, or tenant out, or do something else with his farm, march into town, plant himself upon the ruins of Jacob Spouter, and begin his upward soar.. Van Kamp, back in the woodshed, looked about him with an eye of content.. Give me the rattan, said Edward, half laughing, and offering to take it out of his hand.. We have had to separate the dream-work from this activity as being something entirely different and far more restricted.. As that's under water, said Buller, it will be the same thing as diving; but it's got to be done, and I'll try it. Pike finally, whensomever I ain't here by bed-time, you welcome to put any transion person in it, an' also an' likewise, when transion custom is pressin', and you cramped for beddin', I'm willin' to give it up for the time bein'; an' rather'n you should be cramped too bad, I'll take my chances somewhars else, even if I has to take a pallet at the head o' the sta'r-steps.. But if anything excited my suspicion, and, putting on my spectacles, I saw that I was fondling a snake, or smelling at a bud with a worm in it, I sprang up in horror and ran away; or, if it seemed to me through the glasses that a cherub smiled upon me, or a rose was blooming in my buttonhole, then I felt myself imperfect and impure, not fit to be leading and training what was so essentially superior in quality to myself, and I kissed the children and left them weeping and wondering.. If one could only have been left to do his own business, the vision would have accomplished itself and brought out new paraheliacal visions, each as bright as the original. Well, Smiley kep' the beast in a little lattice box, and he used to fetch him downtown sometimes and lay for a bet.. We use no ceremony with anybody; and our rule is never to put ourselves out of the way.. He was not sure what Aunt Missouri's attitude might be if it were laid on her.. I may also assume that these feelings followed me into sleep.. PINK FLUKER (1886) Richard Malcolm Johnston THE NICE PEOPLE (1890) Henry Cuyler Bunner THE BULLER-PODINGTON COMPACT (1897) Frank Richard Stockton COLONEL STARBOTTLE FOR THE PLAINTIFF (1901) Bret Harte THE DUPLICITY OF HARGRAVES (1902) O.. In all human probability the late omission of the shaking of Sim's and Marann's hands was compensated at their parting that afternoon.. She saw that he was watching her, and crouched low again.. They had not gone very far when they met a party of boys, who, upon seeing them, burst into unseemly laughter.. Misteh Stuhk, he said at last, I been steddyin' it oveh, and I about come to the delusion that I needs a good po'k-chop...

3:37 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

No doubt the forex trading has lot more advantageous opportunity than other investment options but one should also be aware that it is also one of the highly risky market where chances of loosing money is also quite high than other investment options like stock trading , or real estate, etc.


9:51 PM  
Blogger Ramya Haider said...

To get inside best forex trading system, you have to know your guidelines curbing market, fundamental terms utilized in market place, technological examination as well as what are equipment used for currency trading. You have to purely abide by verified forex methods which has been used by skilled foreign exchange dealers with help make lots from it.

3:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the great content sir. I will also share with my friends & once again Thanks a Lot.

1:48 AM  

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